Thursday, May 15, 2014

First Post in over Two Years!

I haven't abandoned my Write to Say It blog, though it's been many moons since my last post.  Rather than make excuses, let me show you what has been my consuming interest:  my own website called

Through I offer a free home budget download worldwide for anyone interested in one, and I use a fantastic Bulgarian company called to market it from Plovdiv, Bulgaria.  Its staff treats me as one of them. and I couldn't ask for more friendly, patient, helpful service and support from these young, savvy,  multilingual hosts--many of whom I enjoy on first name basis.  Anyone not currently happy dealing with their Internet Service Provider should visit 24/7.  Their setup and communications are free, their fees are modest, they speak perfect English, and they will make you feel right at home.  Moreover, they have sites in the U.S. as well as worldwide, and their connections are so clear you'll think you're on a local call.

That's what I've been doing all this while; building my Pagemonth Home Budget and growing its distribution.  It's been a labor of love, and most recently we have become an Amazon affiliate, adding a whole new dimension of budgeting products and services available through our website.  We've been very busy.

So I haven't abandoned Writetosayit.  I just have neglected to post regularly, and I hope to change that.

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