Saturday, November 19, 2005

I'm betting Dumbledore's death was faked

I think Underwear Ninja's right: Dumbledore's not dead. Remember, his faith in Snape was unshakeable, he immobilized Harry so the latter couldn't interfere on the tower fight, he didn't stop Malvoy despite the fact that he probably could have, he called for Severus, and especially this: once Snape zapped him point blank, he tumbled over the wall and presumably ended in a crumpled heap on the ground, but we never saw him clearly. Then Hagrid covered him and carried him at the funeral. But we never really saw the confirmation that he was (sniff) truly deceased, never-coming-back gone for. Remember, he was the greatest wizard, and he left many secrets.

I think the Snape-induced "death" of Dumbledore was part of a plan to draw out Lord Voldemort and force his hand, make him reveal his plot prematurely. Surely at the right moment, Albus Dumbledore, or at least his still-potent spirit, will reappear to help Harry foil and destroy the dark lord, and Snape will be shown to have been Dumbledore's most trusted accomplice, justifiably so.


Big Penguin said...

You're both crazy! Rowling had to kill Dumbledore to force Harry to "go it alone" in the last book. In this type of story, It has to be the two main characters battling to the death...No mentors involved. Also, one of the things that Rowling, and Dumbledore, have always promoted was that EVERYONE makes mistakes. Albus blindly trusted Snape, believing him to be a changed man. This led to Dumbledore's downfall..... it's not a conspiracy, just good character development. I do agree, though, that Dumbledore's spirit will guide Harry in the last book (much the way ObiWon guided Luke Skywalker from beyond the grave).

Punk Penguin said...

i agree that the plan was for Snape to "kill" Dumbledore. i believe D is dead, though. but Snape is not the villian here. he will probably be a key player in the next book and we will see him as he truly is. so, is he a vampire?